
RCProPlus LÖTHILFE / Spring Lock Soldering Station V4

High End Löthilfe V4, Perfekter Helfer (3. Hand) / Spring Lock Soldering Station - unverzichtbar beim Löten oder anderen Arbeiten - perfekt für Kabel von 1,5 - 16 mm² - Must Have Item

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RCPROPLUS RCA2118 - Spring Lock Soldering Station V4rcproplus-soldering-station-rca2118-loethilfe.jpg

Löthilfe & Powerhelfer von RCProPlus!

  • Dritte Hand für Lötarbeiten
  • Mit ihrer Hilfe lassen sich Stecker und Buchsen besonders einfach verlöten
  • geeignet für Kabel / Litzen mit: 1,5 - 16 mm˛
  • Dreibein-Stativ in flacher Ausführung mit Gummifüßen
  • hochgradig verstellbare Positionen der Halterungen
  • elegantes & edles Finish in Schwarz & Gold

The RCPROPLUS Spring Lock Soldering Station V4 (RCA2118) takes the soldering station design to the next level.rcproplus-soldering-station-v4-rca2118-loethilfe.jpg

  • By replacing the alligator clips, with spring loaded locking elements you get
    a more secure hold on item
    you are trying to solder without damaging the shielding
  • along with the ability to hold 6 to 16awg size wire.
  • Plus, the addition of thumb screws on the locking heads allow you
    to easily adjust the position of the head without the use of tools.

By combining this updated locking head system with:

  • the simple yet ingenious low profile tri-pod base & adju. horizontal stabilizer bar
  • you get all the benefits of the previous model, with improved functionality
  • Never worry about holding steady to create the perfect solder joint again,
    the RCPROPLUS Spring Lock soldering stand will do it for you.


  • Spring lock wire clamps work with 1,5 - 16 mm˛ (6-16 AWG) wire
  • Simple, low profile tri-pod design with rubber grip feet
  • Highly adjustable stabilizer bar and clip positions
  • Elegant black and gold finishing

rca2018-rcproplus-soldering-stand-inuse.jpg rcproplus-soldering-stand-inuse.jpg

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