
XNOVA FPV 2206-2000 KV Multicopter (4) Motor Racing Combo

FPV Racer Multicopter Motorenset High End, bestehend aus 4 Stück 2206-2000KV Motoren für 3-4S Lipo & 5" bis 6" Propellergröße

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XNOVA 2206-2000KV supersonic racing series FPV motor combo

High End Power Motorenset (4 Stück) inkl. Zubehör für:

  • Muticopter with 5" to 6" Prop size.
  • 3S to 4S Lipo Cells
  • High performance and finest CNC quality
  • Ultimate efficiency
  • Low cogging torque and smooth running
  • Precise balanced and fully tested
  • 100% handwound

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Xnova FPV and multi-rotor brushless motors
Xnova  provides you the latest and highest quality multi-rotor brushless motors. Through many years of experiences, testing and optimization; these motors are made from finest components and guaranteed for the best performance and high efficiency level.  Each Xnova motor is exclusively performance guaranteed and comes with the highest quality control before shipment.

Xnova multi-rotor brushless motors will convince you by performance, and not just datasheets ...



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