
Alu Swashplate / Taumelscheibe 140 Grad Vibe 50 / Airskipper 50

CNC Alu, extrem leicht, Spezial Lager, Flugzeugaluminium...

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The 140 degree CCPM Swashplate is designed
to increase performance on JR50size
helicopters(Vibe50/Airskipper50TYPE2). This performance
swashplate comes with so many features such
as extreamly light weight. Moreover, this
swashplate has 3 set bolt to adjust the spherical
BRG gap. It's stylish and super light weight
aircraft-Duralumin swashplate is designed to
bring best cyclic control and performance to
your helicopter in flights. And yet, this stylish and
performance swashplate with all steel balls less weight than stock
aluminum swashplate.

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