
EDGE 423mm Flybarless Carbon hauptrotorblätter

EDGE 423mm Premium CF Blades Flybarless Version LE-423FBL

65,00 EUR
kleine Menge

EDGE high performance CF rotor blades are new premium blades that have been specifically designed for today's model helicopters. EDGE rotor blades have been optimized for use with today's light weight, high powered models with increased cyclic pitch. While these blades are ideal for aggressive Flybarless 3D performance, they can also be used for more precision FAI & FC3 flying on traditional flybar machines.

Flybarless Edge blades may be flown on flybarred helicopters for a smoother and less aggressive FAI style cyclic response.

- Airfoil designed specifically for flybarless helicopters.
- Integrated lead weight safety harness.

- Length: 423mm
- Width: 42mm
- Root: 10mm
- Bolt Hole: 3mm
- Weight: ~ 65 grams

- One pair of EDGE blades.
- 4 x 1mm shims.
- A good time.

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