
Canomod ZICZAC Voll Carbon Airbrush Haube & Heckrohr - BLADE 180 CFX

angesagte Airbrush VollCarbon Verkleidung (Haube + Heckrohr) von Canomod im chicen Airbrush - ändere das Aussehen deines Blades ... Ziczac - Blade 180 CFX Goblin Fuselage FULL CARBON Canopy


High-end airbrushed carbon fiber canopy
Automotive-quality paint and clear coat
High quality airbrushed details

Canomod is pleased to deliver our all new Xtreme Light Carbon (XLC) products.
This all new canopy construction method combines high quality carbon fiber and epoxy resin, making these canopies extremely light and durable.

Beispielfoto mit montiertem Ziczac Design (Blade 180 CFX, nicht im Lieferumfang):



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