Hersteller:Rotortech / Funkey

FUN-KEY CARBON Heckrotorblätter 95mm

High End Blades, Länge: 95mm, Tiefe: 30mm, Blattanschluß: 5mm, Loch: 3mm, hochwertige FunKey Carbon Heckblätter.

28,00 EUR

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Eines der hochwertigsten CFK Heckrotorblätter am Markt, präzisionsgewuchtet!
Fun-Key RotorTech Tail Rotor Blades - 95 mm
  • Length: 95mm
  • Width: 30mm
  • Grip: >= 5mm
  • Hole: 3mm
  • Common Application: 600-600 size R/C helicopters
Info about Fun-Key / RotorTech Blades:
  • Rotortech tail blades are known for their Quality and performance.
  • This is also a producer of major blades as Edge, Halo, Radix, Rail Blades, Switch Blades, XBlades, DH Blades ... and others.
  • Unmatched carbon fiber craftsmanship and quality.
  • Perfect spanwise and cordwise balanced.

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