
Batterie Schnellverschlusssystem Set

Batterie Schnellverschlusssystem SAB Goblin - für alle Goblin Modelle...siehe Anleitung...

32,00 EUR

Quick release battery tray set - Goblin 630/700/770


  • Carbon Fiber Battery Tray x 1pc
  • Carbon Fiber Battery Protection Plate x 1pc
  • CNC Aluminum Cylinder Posts M2.5 x 2pcs
  • CNC Aluminum Battery Tray Stop x 1pc
  • Heat Shrink 350mm x 1pc
  • DIN 12.9 Flat Head Cap Screw M2.5 x 5 x 2pcs
  • DIN 12.9 Socket Head Cap Screw M2.5 x 8 x 2pcs


This is a battery plate set for the Goblin. Allows for quick change of flight batteries, and at the same time the two carbon plates protect the battery packs.

For Goblin 630/700/770.

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