
Scorpion Luftfahrtinstrumente Untersetzer Set - Soft PVC Coaster Set - Aviation Instruments

6 Stück Gummi Untersetzer / Bierdeckel im Design echter Luftfahrt Instrumente, für deinen Schreibtisch, deine Bar oder ... Größe 100x100mm je Untersetzer

++ Must Have Item ++
15,00 EUR
im Zulauf (bestellt)

Scorpion Soft PVC Coaster - Aviation instruments Full Setscorpion-power-systems.png

Do you want a coaster with aviation instruments pattern on the desktop?

Scorpion Coaster produce by soft PVC with Aviation Instrument pattern.

6 pcs in one pack

Size: 100 x 100 mm
Thick: 4 mm

scorpion-soft-pvc-coaster-aviation-instrument.jpg  scorpion-pvc-coaster-aviation-instrument.jpg



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